A Bibliography of Psychological Polarity
Only in the last hundred years has psychological polarity become a subject of serious scientific inquiry. Aside from the works of Paul Rosenfels, the following titles will be of interest to those seeking to familiarize themselves with this literature.
Bach, Charlotte | (unpublished writings) |
Ball, E. D. | A factor analytic investigation of the personality typology of C. G. Jung. Diss. Abst., 1968, 28, (10-B), 4277-4278. |
Bloch, Walter | Polaritat; Ihre Bedeutung fur die Philosophie der Modernen Physik, Biologie und Psychologie [Polarity: Its Significance in the Philosophy of Modern Physics, Biology and Psychology]. Berlin: Dunker & Humbolt, 1972. |
Carrigan, Patricia M. | Extraversion-introversion as a dimension of personality: a reappraisal. Psychol. Bull., 1960, 57, 329-360. |
Crile, George W. | A Bipolar Theory of Living Processes. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1926. |
Eysenck, J. | Dimensions in Personality. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1947. |
Gilligan, Sonja Carl | The Heterosexuals are Coming: The Fusion Strategy. New York: Fusion Groups, Inc., 1971. |
Gorlow, L., N. R. Simonson, and H. Krauss | An empirical investigation of the Jungian typology. Brit. J. Soc. Clin. Psychol., 1966, 5, 108-117. |
Gross, Otto | Die zerebrale Sekundärfunktion, 1902. |
Huxley, Thomas Henry | Materialism and Idealism. |
James, William | Pragmatism: A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking. 1911. |
Jordan, Furneax | Character as seen in Body and Parentage, Third Edition. London: 1896. |
Jung, Carl Gustav | Contribution a l'etude des Types psychologiques. Arch. de Psychologie, I, xiii, p.289. |
Jung, Carl Gustav | Psychological Types, or, The Psychology of Individuation. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1933. |
Kretschmer, E. | Physique and Character, tr. by Spratt, W.J.H., Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, London, 1925. |
Lao-Tsze | Tao-te-king. |
MacKinnon | The Structure of Personality, in J. McV. Hunt, Personality and the Behavior Disorders, 1944, I, p.6. (See table of typological systems.) |
Milton, John | L'Allegro and Il Penseroso. 1635 |
Murphy, Gardner | Personality. New York: Harper, 1947. (See Chapter 25) |
Nietzsche, Friedrich | The Birth of Tragedy. 1871. |
Ostwald, Willhelm | Grosse Männer. Leipzig, 1910. |
Roback, A. A. | A Bibliography of Character and Personality. 1927. |
Sainsbury, Geoffrey | The Theory of Polarity. 1927. |
Schiller, Friedrich | Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man. 1795. |
Spitteler, Carl | Prometheus and Epimetheus (poem). 1881. |
Wann, T. W. (editor) | Behaviorism and Phenomenology: Contrasting Bases for Modern Psychology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1964. |
Watts, Alan |
![]() George Braziller, 1963. |
Wellek, Albert | Polarity in Character Structure: A System of Characterology. 1950. |
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